Graham Jones, Author, Lecturer, Speaker


I’m Graham Jones and I am the author of Studying Online. I am a Senior Lecturer at the University of Buckingham, where I am also the Programme Director for the undergraduate business degrees. I’m a psychologist by profession and I teach a range of psychological topics including consumer behaviour, online behaviour, organisational behaviour and cyberpsychology. In addition, I am an Associate Lecturer at The Open University, where I have been teaching since 1999. 

I wrote the book after my students had faced lots of difficulties with online learning during the Coronavirus “lockdowns” of 2020-2021. I had to help many students get to grips with studying online as they had not done it before. Fortunately, as well as teaching online, I have also been an online student myself, having completed a Masters degree via the Internet. 

How I can help

I provide talks and workshops on online learning for universities and colleges. If you are interested you can book me by calling me directly on 0118 336 9710 or by sending me an email at

Graham Jones

Graham Jones, B.Sc. (Hons), B.A. (Hons), Adv.Dip.Ed., MBPsS, M.Sc., M.Ed., FHEA, CMBE, FPSA